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Five Dimensions of Love

We've learned through the ages that love is a state of mind, a state of being, a strong feeling towards a particular thing or person. There are different dimensions of love in relationships, depending on the context, so let's examine five to get a basic understand of love from my perspective.

Social love is a powerful cognitive and social experience where a person demonstrates affection, compassion, and empathy towards others. This type of love is expressed interactions with family, friends, neighbors, clients, and perhaps casual acquaintances. It creates a strong attachment or bond between people, and is purely a non-sexual emotion in nature. When a person is devoid of the ability to express social love they become antisocial and have difficulty functioning within the community.

Mental love is harmonious synergy between two people vibrating as one. The attraction is intellectually alluring, they share the same goals and ambitions in life, they see each other as great life-partners, and they think alike in many ways. They typically agree on things related to cohabitation, rearing children, conflict resolution, finances, career, religion, etc. Albeit long-lasting, intellectual love can leave one or both partners yearning for more passion created by a strong emotion, in which neither partner possess. When this unfulfilled expectation presents itself it could lead to exploration out the relationship.

Physical love sometimes beings and ends on a a carnal note, meaning they were drawn together through purely physical lustful attraction, devoid of meaningful spiritualism. There's an undeniable physical attraction that draws two people together like a magnet based on pure chemistry. When two people are merely physically attracted to one another, they can love them today and hate them the next day because of the shallow force that brought them together. Many relationships end in disaster because the appeal was exclusively sexual without the opportunity to explore true compatibility. Women tend to overwhelmingly fall into these traps when entering into new relationships with men motivated by sexual encounters.

Spiritual love is the strong and longest lasting of all dimensions because there's a spiritual evolutionary journey that must take place before you reach this point. This expedition is rooted in expansion and growth leading to a deeper divine understanding of love. At its core, you're in oneness with your partner, communing with a soul-to-soul connection literally sharing spirit. Combining spiritual and sexual love-energy generates an explosive creative formation within the universe. It means you've reached a peaceful unbiased space within yourself elevated by pure divine life-force energy. There's a sense of surrender and release that takes place, allowing the ego to detach from the notion of separation and truly merge as one with your partner. Love is the most powerful force in the universe, a gift freely bestowed upon us all. Evolving in love requires introspection, a willingness to be courageous and explore deep-seated issues blocking you from being your absolute best. It entails complete surrender, putting aside ego, and embracing the sweet nectar of nature's best...Your Divine Self!!!

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